California Investigators Determine PG&E Electrical Lines Caused Camp Fire

Pacific Gas & Electric was named this week by California investigators as the cause for the deadliest wildfire in state history. The company’s electrical transmission lines were determined to be the cause of the Camp Fire that killed 85 people and destroyed 19,000 homes and properties last November.

PG&E, the largest utility company in California, filed for bankruptcy in January knowing it would be faced with billions in liabilities after the wildfires. The company acknowledged that its equipment was likely the cause of the fire and was also quoted in a New York Times article as saying, “more must be done to adapt to and address the increasing threat of wildfires and extreme weather.”

Increasing Frustrations

Victims of the wildfires are growing increasingly frustrated as PG&E’s bankruptcy claims may delay their much-needed compensation. Many people remain homeless and are struggling to rebuild. Survivors can’t help but feel that PG&E is shirking its responsibility to the victims of this devastating wildfire.

Our attorneys have successfully fought against PG&E before and they are prepared to do it again. They are not only experienced in legal claims for damages, but they are also experienced in cases involving companies that declare bankruptcy. When a defendant like PG&E is in bankruptcy, there are critical deadlines that you need to be aware of.

Known collectively as Wildfire Recovery Attorneys, Baron & Budd and Dixon Diab & Chambers LLP are nationally-recognized attorneys that teamed up to help those affected by these tragic wildfires. These firms have extensive experience in representing families, businesses and other entities that suffered losses in previous wildfires having been appointed by the California Courts to lead previous lawsuits against utility companies.

Contact Baron & Budd

If you or a loved one suffered loss due to the Camp Fire, give us a call at (866) 504-7321 or contact us online. We will let you know how the PG&E bankruptcy may affect your case and inform you of other ways in which we may be able to help.